Thoughts on Community
May 31, 2007
9:05 AM
I have been meaning to write this for a long time, as is the case with a lot of things. And I figured that this might only make sense for the next few hours or so, being on the brink of moving into a new stage of life as a JV, the summer. Today is our graduation. In a big way everything that is happening right now is hugely symbolic to the transitions that many people will be making right now. The seniors will be leaving on to bigger and better things, hopefully. Will go off to new places, or at least new experiences even if they are still here in Chuuk. As for us as JVI’s we are also making transitions. For us first years, we are moving into the summer, the intermediary period of year 2, the gateway to having some sense of veteran-ness. You can say it’s less of a transition for us, being that its similar to the feeling of being a freshman in high school, where you do not really know much about anything to do anything, and so you kind of go back to your sophomore year, just as idly and lost as freshman year. But as for our 2nd years, they have a transition of challenge ahead of them. The idea of being ruined for life I feel will take a step up with slap in the face as our 3 community mates make their way back across the pacific from whence they came, to new lives and unknown futures. It is a difficult thing for me to fathom, and I cannot nor have any desire to begin thinking about what they will be going through in the next few, weeks months, years, lifetimes! Although I must secretly admit that I often do give thought to the idea of moving to
It is an amazing thing to look at our lives here in Chuuk and to see how we could get by without one another. After arriving in Chuuk little did we know about the ties of family that would be born. I guess this could be said about any community of JV’s brought together. But I feel now that I have grown in understanding of the role community plays in our lives as JV’s. Its in our communities that our lives unfold to one another, through the struggles we face and the joys we have. Coming from all different walks of life, cultural backgrounds, countries and states. We bring all the differences and similarities we have within ourselves and we place them in a pot called community. And the soup that turns out for us is filled with rich flavors and deliciousness beyond our wildest dreams. And of course it doesn’t always turn out so perfect, but for us it almost was. It was pretty close and it kept us coming back to the pot asking for seconds and thirds and we never got full. Within our communities we find a place to begin understanding the kinship that we are called to live within the communities we serve. In our community we begin to learn and actualize the idea that we belong to each other. For better or worse we are one another’s, and we live that and carry that kinship we learn to those we serve. And the pot grows bigger and the flavor get better. This is the justice we are called to live. This kinship, and it starts with community.
Now, some other thoughts I had about our community while we were all sitting around together one day was that the 7 of us here in Chuuk really fit well to the profile of the 7 characters that once set sail for a 3 hour tour and ended up on an unchartered desert isle, Gilligan’s Island. If I may proceed to share how we fit into the characters of our delightful friends on Gilligan’s Isle.
First it starts off with Lincoln and I, the Skipper and Gilligan. Respectively.
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