Saturday, December 30, 2006

Seeking higher articulation...

Okay well I have wanted to say this for a long time. You see I have come to terms with the fact that I am not an amazing writer. I read a lot of my friends writing and stand in awe of the emotions that one can stir through their writing. I often dream of being able to one day do that, yet find that I may not work that way. You see I have all these ideas in my head, and they sound good when I run them through my head. Often times when I am sitting on the toilet or doing something mindless I think about how I will express these moments and memories in words. And it all comes out good in my head, yet when it comes time to write it, I find that I fail miserably at being able to truly articulate the moment and the emotion that I would like to. I long to write in a way that moves people, but I find that when I try to do that, I am lost and often times come out being a lot more the opposite. So, in coming to terms with my mediocre ability to write, I wanted to just let you all know that there are people here that are far better with words and expression than I am. So, I want to urge you strongly to check out what they have to say, because often times they speak of the same experiences that I am but in a far more articulate matter. You can check out there blogs by clicking on any of them in the Links section to the right of the page. As for me, well, don’t give up on me. I will still continue to write in the only way I know how, from the heart. I will no longer attempt to be the kind of writer I am not in hopes that my genuinity and sincerity will speak more the emotions that I wish to express. Just me writing as me as the thoughts come to me from my head to the paper or computer whichever it makes it to first. Kinisou!

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